Imperial BMR Calculator

Based on Harris–Benedict's original equations published in 1918 and 1919.

Please Fill the information below to calculate your BMR.

Your Information

Your Height

Your Weight

Activity Level

I am sedentary (littel or no exercise)
I am light active (light exercise or sports 1-2 days per week)
I am moderately active (moderate exercise or or sports 2-3 days per week)
I am active (hard exercise or or sports 4-5 days per week)
I am very active (hard exercise or sports 6-7 days per week)
I am super active (very hard exercise or sports and physical job or 2x training)


Metric BMR Calculator

Based on Harris–Benedict's original equations published in 1918 and 1919.

Please Fill the information below to calculate your BMR.

Your Information

Your Height

Your Weight

Activity Level

I am sedentary (littel or no exercise)
I am light active (light exercise or sports 1-2 days per week)
I am moderately active (moderate exercise or or sports 2-3 days per week)
I am active (hard exercise or or sports 4-5 days per week)
I am very active (hard exercise or sports 6-7 days per week)
I am super active (very hard exercise or sports and physical job or 2x training)
