
Continuing Education Evaluation

Assignment 4

Centennial College

Continuing Education Course/Instructor Evaluaiton

Please read each statement carefully and consider each one individually.

Basic Information

How would you rate the instructor:

  1. Knowledge of subject?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  2. Helpfulness?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  3. Cortesy and respect for all students?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  4. Communication skills?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  5. Overall performance?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  1. How would you rate the course materials?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  2. How much this course meet your expectations?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
  3. How would you rate this course overall?
    Excellent Good Fair Not Satisfactory
General Inforation
  1. Was the course outline reviewed/explained at the beginning of the course?
    Yes No Not Sure
  2. Would you recommend this course to a friend with the same interests?
    Yes No Not Sure
Any other comments

Thank you! We pay attention to your feedback!

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©   Copyright Matheus Teixeira, 301236904, Basics of Web Design, Winter 2022, Mar 29, 2022, Assignment 4: Continuing Education Evaluation.