

Matheus Teixeira

profile picture This page was originally created as part of my HTML and CSS course at Centennial College. Later on, I decided to update it to also showcase my JavaScript course projects.

What's new?

Moving forward, I’m in the process of building a dedicated portfolio site to better showcase my work. Meanwhile, here are some links where you can explore my work:

Projecst deployed on AWS:

Projecst deployed on GCP:

Who am I?

Graduate with High Honours (4.45/4.5 GPA) from Centennial College Software Engineering Technology AI Program. Also holds a bachelor's in Mechatronic Engineering and an MBA in Investments. Full-stack developer with strong focus on Python (FastAPI) RESTful APIs backend and React frontend, experienced in CI/CD pipelines and cloud technologies (AWS Certified). Brings practical experience from roles at NASA, TD Bank and Skillsladder. Previously worked as a Clinical and Automation Engineer, bringing a diverse perspective to software development.

Education & Background:

Key Skills

Hobbies and curiosities:

profile picture I'm fascinated by Astronomy, the Cosmos, and how these subjects are interconnected to the great questions of Philosophy: Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we heading to? I can easily get mesmerized by new technologies, and I wish I could be able to build a suit like Marvel's Ironman. Having such interests, luckily, I managed to get an 8 months internship at NASA, in 2011. Because of that, in that very year I was able to apply to a Brazilian Government Scholarship Program (in partnership with Fulbright) where they paid all of my expenses, so I could pass 1 year abroad, studying at the Catholic University of America (CUA). I stayed there for the whole of the 2012 year. I moved to the USA on January 5th, started my winter term in CUA on January 9th, started my internship at NASA in May, and came back to Brazil on December 18th.

Some of my favorite things are:


  • Camping to look at the stars and going into waterfalls;
  • Try new stuff, and go for some adventures;
  • Learn new stuff, especially, about Astronomy and History;
  • Traveling, and getting to know new people and new cultures;
  • Playing the guitar;
  • Beaches, especially, Brazilian ones;
  • Watching series and movies;
  • The Lion King (1994) movie; and
  • I must mention it again beaches.